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Salvation and Simon in Samaria

Acts 7: 4 - 25

Jerusalem was in turmoil. Spiritually the whole city was considering the effect of this new faith . If estimates are correct that the population of Jerusalem was about 25, 000 I believe that more than half the city had converted to Christianity. What an impact the church had made upon the Jews - they had found the redeemer, the coming messiah as their Saviour and Lord. How the whole church must have been rejoicing and praising God. The church was also in turmoil. Saul of Tarsus began to disrupt the church. He did not follow his teacher Gamaliel's teaching that ''If their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God. Saul began fighting against God and disrupted many of the Greek- speaking members of the church. Saul knew hat if he wanted to really destroy this new way of life he would have to hit the Jugular vein and do away with their leaders.

When the communists moved into Russia they did not attack the poor peasants but they attacked a few leaders and once they were removed they could take over the country. They sought out the richer land owners and the teachers. They came at night into villages and rode up to a home in a wagon and took the father of the home away. Terror and fear reigned as the marauders would strike one village after another. My own grandfather was a teacher in a school in Russia. Because he feared for his life he sold everything and went to Moscow to wait for an exit visa. They were not easy to obtain because of the many who were applying to leave. Fortunately for me he was able to obtain a visa and he came to Canada. It was not an easy life to begin from nothing and support a growing family. He was unable to teach in Canada because he did not know the language well enough and his credentials were not accepted here in Canada. So he had to turn to farming and because of a drought he lost the little he had in Manitoba. He then move to the St. Catharines area and worked as a farm hand. He was also a lay preacher in the church. He was instrumental in bringing several families together and they formed a church .

Philip, the Deacon, and his family probably considered moving when the persecution broke out in Jerusalem. Saul was throwing people in jail for believing in Jesus. We have no idea of what it means to be persecuted for what we hold sacred in our beliefs. Philip had four daughters and it is possible that he decided to move his whole house hold to escape being put into prison. Where could he escape to? A plan was put into action. He probably felt that he wanted to stay relatively close to Jerusalem for he was part of the leadership of the early church. Now that Stephen was martyred, more responsibility fell upon him.

The Jews despised the Samaritans and so the most devout and zealous persecutors would not go into the land of Samaria which was only about 20 miles to the north so Philip chose to move to the main city also called Samaria.

Philip was a servant of God filled with zeal and the Holy Spirit. He began proclaiming the gospel to the Samaritans. There were many who believed and were baptized. The power of God worked mightily though Philip and many were amazed at the power of God to work miracles. One who was taken in was a man named Simon. Simon believe and was baptized even though he did not understand every Christian principle as we soon will discover in our passage.

Before his conversion Simon had been a sorcerer and a magician who had captivated the imagination of the that they have never made that personal commitment to Jesus Christ. I know from experience what it means to be a fake. When I was 11 or 12 years old I was asked if I was a Christian and I said yes. But I knew that I had never asked Jesus to forgive my sins. I had attended church every Sunday since I was born. I had learned memory verses and done my Sunday School lessons. I did kind deeds and was helpful and loving but I had never asked Jesus to forgive my sins and make me a new person. I only became a child of God when I admitted that I was a sinner and had rejected God's love and forgiveness. The night I accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour I knew the difference. I knew the peace that comes from knowing that my sins are forgiven and I am on my way to heaven.

Simon had deceived people but he knew that the power of God was in Philip and he wanted to have it for himself. I believe that Simon was serious when he believe that Jesus had died for his sins and he was baptized. That did not destroy the fleshly desires in him. We all know that after we become a Christian there are spiritual battles and we are far from perfect. Simon learned that he too had to make changes in his life. When news of the revival came to Jerusalem the leadership team there decided to sent Peter and John to encourage these new converts and help in the revival.

The church was expanding. Jesus had commanded them to be witnesses in Jerusalem, and Judea, Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. There are three references to the Holy Spirit coming in power upon the people. The first is at Pentecost in Jerusalem. Next we have the Holy Spirit coming to the Samaritans in a special event and in Acts 19 we read of the Spirit coming upon the people after they believed. ( uttermost part) The two events of the Spirit coming upon the people in Samaria and in Ephesus were examples to the Believers that the Holy Spirit came upon the people just as it had come upon them. This does not show a normative pattern for the Christian. There are not two separate experiences after the initial recorded events Ephesians 1:13 clearly states this when it says, "Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit." When we believe, the Spirit comes into our lives and we do not need another experience to receive the Holy Spirit. We may need to recommit our lives to God when we sin and grieve or quench the Holy Spirit. We can be filled repeatedly as we recognize that we need to be empowered by the Spirit.

Simon had the wrong idea of how to receive the Spirit. The Holy Spirit can only come upon us if we are open to God and receive Jesus Christ. We cannot buy our way into heaven like companies buy technology or patents. Peter commanded Simon to repent of the wicked thought that spiritual power can be earned or bought. It may be that because Simon had practice sorcery that he was still under the influence of Satan and had not yet been freed completely. Simon realizes that he seriously transgressed against God and asks Peter to intercede on his behalf. This man realized the seriousness of sin. Have you this morning realized the sin in your life? Simon cried out to God for forgiveness. Will you do the same?

There may be someone here this morning who has never yet believed in Jesus to forgive his/her sin. God's wrath abides on you until you accept this loving sacrifice which Jesus made at Calvary. The blood of Jesus was shed on the cross so that we could have forgiveness of sin. Won't you turn your life over to Christ this morning? God wants to forgive you if you'll admit your sinfulness and believe that He died for your sin. It is a very personal and private act which you alone can make. I cannot do it for you as I would like. Consider your situation and we will have an opportunity to come forward to make a person commitment during the last hymn.

If you mean business with Jesus would you come forward this. morning and receive Christ? We would like to help you and counsel with you if that is your decision this morning.

Orillia C FC Sept 5, 1982

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